
Healthy Living Tips For Still Look Younger

This blog contains infomation about healty and probably many flaws and mistake   Healthy Living Tips For Younger      Set Healthy Eating      If you want to have a youthful appearance, select energy intake calorie foods as well as to keep the mood and inadequate food that can improve the metabolism, cardiovascular health and reduce stress.      Expand eat green vegetables, fruits with low glikenik (bananas, apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, pear), and foods containing vegetable protein and protein without the fat. Do not count calories but count the quality.      Skin, hair, nails, weight gain and mood will be affected by a healthy diet.      Start Moving     Regular exercise is a healthy way of life that must be done. No need strenuous exercise that takes energy and time, do not need to waste money by going to the gym, just a walk every day for a few minutes around the yard.       Many motion will make the heart healthy, metabolism awake and avoid stress.      Laugh    

Something You Should Know About Lime

This blog contains little infomation about health and probably many flaws and mistakes Lime has been known for a long time as one of the plants has many benefits. Plants that have a Latin name Citrus aurantifolia has a slightly bitter taste and sour. In general, the Indonesian people familiar orange juice as an ingredient kitchen that serves as a food seasoning, refreshment, beverage, refreshment, clean the rust on metal, material of citric acid, as well as a mixture of herbs. Naturally this lime helpful for cough medicines, eliminate phlegm (mucolytics), improving the urine (diuretic) and sweat, as well as excellent in aiding digestion. The content contained in lime is Linalool, Limonene fly oils and flavonoids, such as Poncirin, Hesperidine, Rhoifolin and Naringin. On fruit ripe lime contains Synephrine, N-methyltyramine, Citric Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Vitamin A, B1 and C. While it contains citric acid can prevent the recurrence of Pasian after kidney stone surgery.

NBI is not FBI

This blog contains info little about health and probably many flaws and mistakes NBI for healthy lifestyle Is this NBI .....? Enjoy Limit Cope Feels strange not, but when examined again and really - really applied to the healthy living will be achieved, it is also appropriate guidance of the Prophet and Islam. Enjoy this live happily, always think positive about everything, so enjoy your food when eating slowly. Then it will taste delicious and there is gratitude, that we are still able to feel something sensation. Unlike when we eat food quickly, then there will be no sensation of pleasure, only satiety finally stomach ache. Limit, Stop eating when the stomach feel full do not get hurt. Similarly, if eating something not to excess, because anything excess is not good ... except maybe if the excess money I also want. Something originally good if too excessive finally yes is not good, for example eating an apple a day 1 or 2 pieces only was good, but when eaten daily 10 kg happens that

Pain When Ejaculation

Painful ejaculation is a pain as a burning sensation during ejaculation or after ejaculation when you have sex. Pain can be felt in the penis or in the area behind the scrotum. Painful ejaculation can be caused by be some factors:    - Infection of the prostate gland, called prostatitis    - Infections of the lower urinary tract    - Damage to the nerves in the penis    - Deadlock ejaculatory duct If you have pain during ejaculation, you should quickly consult with a personal physician or your family doctor to find the cause of this complaint, so it can be quickly treated. In general, urine and seminal fluid you will be examined to find the cause of this complaint. The doctor would provide treatment in accordance with the cause found. When the results of the examination showed normal results and the complaints continue, there will be additional checks uretrosistoskopi examination is looking directly into the urinary tract with a tool. If the cause

Snack Food

Snack Food For your health you should watch out and eat less snacks like chips and fries. Both in the morning, noon, afternoon, or evening. Eating snacks is fun especially while relaxing or while watching a movie. Eat snacks to be one of many people's favorite activity in almost all countries. Among the many snacks, there are 2 kinds of snacks is the choice of people. Ie chips and fried. Apparently, snacks like it threatens your health for the long term. Snacks like chips, fries and soda, can enhance the growth of polyps in the colon. It can also increase the risk of colon cancer (colorectal) . Colon cancer is attacking people with Lynch syndrome, particularly in Asia.Almoust 70% of human patients with Lynch syndrome would be at risk of developing colorectal cancer. This syndrome is a condition that is inherited from a genetic disorder in humans. So that makes a person susceptible to cancer at a very young age. According to the study, the disease affects one of hundr


This blog contains infomation little about health and probably many flaws and mistakes SAFE PRODUCT FOR YOUR CHILD Now this is a lot of product in the market from cheap to expensive. not all expensive product is safe for your child and vice versa is not all that cheap products are not safe for your family. there are some things to consider if you want to buy a product for the baby's toys. - Is there any product packaging using materials that can injure your child and also use preservatives when using polybag / plastic as a material to wrap the product if there is a vent or written warning. - Is there a warning label age or materials used. - Is there a description of the origin of the product and contact supllier. - Are there any instructions on how to assembly and method of use. - And see the product that you buy there are not any sharp parts. This might be a little help you in choosing the product that is safe for the family

Successful Weight Loss

This blog contains infomation little about health and probably many flaws and mistakes  Want to Successful Weight Loss....I want but how about you?   Many people already feel and know that diet can not be managed in a single day, which sometimes make some people feel frustrated and the path of lightning, such as liposuction and others. All things before achieving success and going through the stages of a particular process, including in this case the weight loss. Indeed, in terms of weight loss, sometimes will definitely feel the despair and stress, including me, it all depends on the will and discipline us all the diet programs that we have planned. These are some examples of changes in behavior that is sometimes experienced by people who are planning to lose weight. Simultaneously maybe we can make a good guide for those who want to lose weight through the implementation of a healthy lifestyle. 1: Pre-contemplation This is the time where you do not have the desire to