
Showing posts from January 20, 2013

Dry Skin treatment

This blog contains infomation little about healthy and probably many flaws and mistakes  The skin is the outermost part of the body that serves to coat the whole organ. In addition to the touch, the skin also has important functions for the body such as sweat secretion apparatus, regulating body temperature, and a place to store fat, of course, in this case the fat produced by our body. As part of our body skin is also not free of problems, one of which is dry skin. Dry skin problems are often experienced by people who work outdoors or field workers. Not that the people working in the room is free from the risk of dry skin, people who work in a room with air conditioning can experience dry skin, this is caused by poor air circulation and air from air conditioning can also lead to dry skin. So that you are free from dry skin disorder, there are some tips you can try to prevent and cope with dry skin disorders.    1. Diet patterns     Dry skin is usually caused by reduced production of