Too long behind the counter, threatening obesity ...

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 Too long behind the counter, threatening obesity ...

Unpleasant and shocking news came to the office workers who used to sit all the time at work.

Scientists have revealed that sitting for long periods of time, providing an opportunity for the lower body becomes larger.

The study surprisingly found that the pressure acquired and charged to the areas of the body used for sitting or lying down can produce up to 50% more fat in isolated parts.

Moreover, combined with a less healthy diet and body inactivity.

This study describes for the first time to those with a healthy diet and good exercise habits will also be affected if they spend a lot of time to sit behind a desk.

The researchers found that preadipocyte cells - precursors to fat cells to generate more fat during 'silent' on the prolonged period during weight pinned on one part of the body tissues when we sit or lie down.

By studying MRI images of the muscle tissue of patients paralyzed by spinal cord injuries, from time to time showing lines of fat cells start attacking the major muscles in the body.

In laboratory tests, series of stimulated preadipocytes with glucose or insulin to convert it into fat cells. They were then placed in individual cells in the cell stretching device, attaching them to a flexible and stretchable substrates. Test group is created cells consistently for long periods of time, which represents the extension of sitting or lying down, while the control group did not cells.

The researchers noted the progress of each test liquid droplets in the two groups.

The result, seen at the time the cells reached maturity, the group that received mechanical stretching had developed 50 percent more fat than the control group.

Professor Amit Gefen, from Tel Aviv University, said of the study was concluded obesity is more than just an imbalance of calories. "Cells themselves are also responsive to their mechanical environment. Fat cells produce more triglycerides, and at a faster rate, when exposed to static stretching," he said.

Thus said Professor Gefen, if you want your weight balanced, not only calorie intake is concerned, but also the body must move much. The study has been published in the American Journal of Physiology.

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