A good source of Protein for Vegetarian

A good source of Protein for Vegetarian Sufficient protein is very important for everyone, but for vegetarians it requires the special attention, because as we all know the biggest source of protein is found in animal foods which is something that is avoided by vegetarians. Not that the vegetarian protein needs can not be obtained in an optimal, because the planning and get to know more of the right diet, can provide a good intake of protein for vegetarians. The initial step is to know is to know Types Vegetarian There are many kinds or types of vegetarians. This vegetarian types are broadly classified into several, based on the product and the type of animal that consumed: 1.Lacto Vegetarian Not eating all kinds of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat). But still consume dairy and eggs. 2.Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Not eating all kinds of meat but still consume dairy. 3.Vegan Do not consume meat, eggs and dairy or other animal products. 4.Pesca Vegetarian Not consume red meat and poultry but still consume eggs, dairy and fish meat. 5.Flexitarian Is the level that many make allowances for the occasional adherents flexitarian can still consume meats and all products made from meat. 6.Frutarian Only eat fruits, grains and nuts are rich in vitamin E and is useful for skin care and is believed to make the youth. 7.Raw foodist Consume only raw foods, because cooking process wrong can damage the nutrients contained in the food. Below are some foods that you can consume, with ample amounts every day, it can help you to meet the daily protein requirement - Legumes such as beans, peas, white beans, lentils, kidney beans, green beans, cashews, peanuts, walnuts and almonds. - Dairy products, all products made from milk, yogurt and cheese are no or low-fat. examine and select products that contain little or no preservatives and additives. - Cereals and grains, can consume different types of cereal crops, such as wheat and dairy products, oats, and so on. - Algae (Algae), one example of which is already known that spirulina, is a group of 1,500 species of microscopic aquatic plants. Two types of the most commonly consumed by humans are Spirulina maxima and Spirulina platensis. - Soy, a plant that is rich in high quality protein and fortified isoflavin that can prevent such diseases, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lung - lung, cancer of the uterus. - Vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and minerals essential for a variety of needs of the body and has been shown to provide protection against a variety of diseases and digestive disorders when dieting. Although not as large as vegetable protein sources of animal protein sources, by setting the proper diet vegetarian protein needs can be met optimally. (Http://abboeth.tumblr.com) This blog contains infomasi little about health and probably many flaws and mistakes


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